I am working again in Spain, based at the university of Lleida, but had some time over the weekend for birding. I visited some steppe habitat at Candasnos to the NW of Lleida and also a wetland (Estany d' Ivars) to the east. This post shows some birds and dragonflies from these two places.

On a number of occasions in the past I had looked for sandgrouse at this pool, but this weekend I was rewarded with several flocks of Black-bellied coming in to drink.

Difficult capturing these bee-eaters in flight, but these are my best efforts.

Female Spectacled Warbler

Purple Heron

Red-veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii), male

Pair in tendem

Female S.fonscolombii

Southern Emperor (Anax parthenope)

Another male S.fonscolombii

Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Nice - Those Red-veined Darters are looking good. I Really hope to find and take a picture of this species over here in Latvia, since hot summer weather has 'brought' them over here too (still extremely rare, though) - so far, no luck. :)
BTW - Nice blog. Keep it going ;)
Cheers form Latvia :)
Your flying Bee-eater photos are magnificent.
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