A view of the coastline, from the mountains at Corbustan, approx 50 km S from Baku.
A typical coastal landscape, with the oil legacy clearly evident.
Coastal bushes c 100 km North of Baku where I spent most of the trip, looking for migrants.
A rather wonderful sediment-laden river, Caucasus
Lammergeier and Wallcreeper territory in the Caucasus
Red-breasted Fly - an extremely common migrant
Red-backed Shrike; another common migrant
Rock Sparrow
The Caucasus race of Water Pipit (coutellii) - a really sandy buffy taxon that took me by surprise
Another example.
The same bird
And again.
Long-legged Buzzard
The same bird - the tail pattern gives it away as a juv
A rather stunning Yellow Wagtail. As always, autumn birds provided headaches; I need to do some desk research when time permits, to see if this can be identified.
Blue Cheeked Bee-eater.
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Whitethroat
Black Redstart. More work needs doing on these; textbooks suggest ochoros should occur in Caucasus but this looks more like (but perhaps not a perfect) a semirufous to my eye.