Work took me to Zambia for 10 days in early June. The trip was part of a joint project between Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities in the UK and various Zambian conservation agencies. The aim is to assess the ecological integrity of Zambian rivers and develop a rapid appraisal sampling framework that can be used in future monitoring. Thus, we spent our time sampling invertebrates, macrophytes and collecting water samples for chemical analysis. These are some of my photos from the trip; all were taken in the Zambezi catchment in and around Lower Zambezi National Park. Above is a sunrise over the Zambezi.

One of our sampling sites - a fantastic sand bed river on the edge of the National Park

Crocodiles limited sampling in some areas!

African Open-billed Stork

Hippos were numerous along the mainstem of the Zambezi.

Bateleur Eagle


These wonderful animals need no introduction

Southern Boubou

White-fronted Bee-eater.

Another White-fronted Bee-eater; these nested commonly along the river banks.

Little work has been done on Odonates in Zambia; this is probably
Trithemis annulata (Violet Dropwing)

Unidentified, but possibly
Palpopleura lucia or a related species.
Nice photos. Congratulations
Javi. Spain
Hi to everyone who has commented. For some reason blogger has developed a fault which means that i cannot see/read your comments. So please accept my apologies for not replying:)
These African photos are really super! Especially the ones with mammals.
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